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The price for membership is $48.95 per Month.

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TBS Membership Agreement

  1. I understand that Tru Beauty Story (”TBS”) is a platform that believes in the importance of healthy, kind, respectful interaction, and communication (writing, posting, comments, images, videos, et al.) between its members, the community at-large, vendors, stylists, and all end users. Our collective conduct is what will make the TBS community warm, welcoming, engaging, and delightful, so ultimately it is a place where we can learn, grow, and experience a rich journey together. This can only happen if we are intentional about who we are, how we act and treat others, and when we are honest about our exchange and actions with others. If we extend and offer grace, as a rule, and restrain from being easily offended or hostile, this will enrich our overall community experience significantly.
  2. I understand that Tru Beauty Story has zero tolerance for obscene, harassing, vindictive, unkind, rude, vitriolic, bullying, and explicit language. TBS also frowns upon the use of acronyms for expletives, lewd or promiscuous language, and anything that hints at vulgarity. Therefore, I understand that I am asked to refrain from all such language, actions, and activities while on TBS. If I knowingly or unknowingly engage in rude or offensive language, whether directly or indirectly (e.g. language or obscenity in a post) I may receive a warning or an immediate deactivation of the social interaction area of my account (where I can no longer post, comment, view other accounts, interact with groups, or otherwise engage in the social aspect of the TBS site for at least one (1) month). If I receive a second warning, the inactivation period will be two (2) months, and if it happens a third time, my account will be suspended indefinitely or permanently. Regardless of when a suspension or termination occurs, I understand that my account will not be refunded for times when I am unable to participate in the social interaction of the site or in the event my account is terminated.
  3. I understand that posting pictures of myself or others in sexually explicit or suggestive positions is not acceptable on the TBS site. Inappropriate, pornographic, or vulgar, images or those in poor taste, culturally insensitive and the like are never welcome on the TBS site. Any images that are deemed concerning, dangerous, or may be to the detriment or exploitation of others, or those that appear to condone or promote sexual abuse or exploitation, pornography, danger to minors, kidnapping, or human trafficking, will be reported to the proper authorities.
  4. When interacting with stylists, I understand that their livelihood and professional reputation is at stake. I therefore agree to address all conflicts with a stylist directly with them and agree to seek resolution through offline channels. I also shall not hold TBS responsible for any interactions with stylists whatsoever.
  5. When starting a group, I understand that some people do not wish to be added randomly to groups and that it may be awkward for them to leave should they wish to do so. I therefore agree to gain permission of those invited to groups and will set an end date for the dissolution of each group I create. TBS groups are created especially for retreats, weddings, ladies’ weekends, showers, etc., so ladies can plan and interact for a specific period of time. However, groups that go on beyond a specific purpose can be unwelcome, frustrating, and unappreciated. I choose to respect and give opportunity for each group to have an end date, so members may leave and close out when the event or gathering comes to a close.
  6. I understand that technology is complicated, and that TBS seeks to offer upgrades and modern technologies to benefit their clients. Should I experience downtime where I am unable to access the site, I will check for status reports at or contact TBS support and await further instructions.
  7. When shopping on the TBS site, I understand that should I be suspected of behavior that is disconcerting (too many returns, something always happens to your confirmed delivered package), TBS may disallow me from shopping on the TBS store and remove me from the list of places that can receive TBS deliveries.

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